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Period Power | Maisie Hill

Period Power | Maisie Hill

Period Power is the handbook to periods and hormones that will leave you wondering why the hell nobody told you this sooner.

The hormones of the menstrual cycle profoundly influence our energy, mood and behaviour, but all too often we're taught that our hormones make us unreliable, moody bitches, or that it's our lot in life to put up with 'women's problems'. Maisie Hill, a women's health practitioner, knows the power of working with the menstrual cycle and refuses to accept this theory. Instead, Maisie believes that our hormones are there to serve us and, if utilized correctly, can be used to help you get what you want out of life. Yes, we are hormonal, and that's a very good thing.

This revolutionary book reveals everything you need to know about taking control of your menstrual cycle and outlines The Cycle Strategy to help us perform at our best, throughout our cycle. 