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Ejaculate Responsibly | Gabrielle Blair

Ejaculate Responsibly | Gabrielle Blair

Men are responsible for all unwanted pregnancies. Why? Ovulation is involuntary. Ejaculation is not.

It is also true that... - Men are 50 times more fertile than women- Birth control is hard to access, use, and comes with numerous side effects- Vasectomies are less risky than tubal litigationsYet, it's women who are expected to do the work of pregnancy prevention. Why must women be responsible for men's bodies, as well as their own?Rather than endlessly exploring how and why we control women's bodies in the highly polarised anti-abortion and pro-choice 'debate', Ejaculate Responsibly makes a witty and unflinching case for why men must be held accountable for their reproductive choices.

There are zero consequences for men who ejaculate irresponsibly. It's time to shift the responsibility - and burden - of pregnancy prevention onto men.
