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The Choke | Sofie Laguna

The Choke | Sofie Laguna

Justine Lee was born breech, entering the world on her knees. She reads words the wrong way round. But she sees things more clearly than the adults around her think.

Raised by her Pop since her parents left, Justine helps feed the chooks and makes dens down by the narrow stretch of the Murray River they call the Choke, dodging the violent games of her half-brothers. When Justine hears her dad's coming home at Christmas, she feels a mixture of excitement and dread. He's a dangerous man, and his presence will close in on Justine's young life, like the riverbanks at the Choke.

She must find a way to flow onwards, breaking the cycle of violence and poverty through friendship, resilience and her own strength. Both heart-rending coming-of-age story and poignant tribute to the power of nature, The Choke will delight fans of Where the Crawdads Sing.
