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Ache | Scarlett Ward

Ache | Scarlett Ward

“ache is a breathtaking collection of healing and rebirth. Scarlett writes in away that makes me want to live more deeply” – Chloe Frayne.

Scarlett Ward is an incredible young West Midlands poet as comfortable on the page as in performance, with a real ear for language and an imagination to match. She was nominated Best Spoken Word Poet 2019 by Saboteur Awards, and came runner up in the WoLf Lit prize, Mother's milk prize & Verve Poetry prize. Her debut collection, created with help and advice from Liz Berry and others, doesn’t disappoint, as it concerns itself with the themes of mental ill-health, recovery and the deep and powerful ache of a love found, and turns them in to quite startling poetry -at times as light as petals, at others as heavy and violent as a hob nail boot. Read, gasp, enjoy.
